Il tuo carrello è attualmente vuoto!

exhibition view, performance
Gallleriapiù, Bologna
Courtesy the artist: Ph. S Maniero
« On the traces of Archeomitologia, ancestral signs move, shift , subtract. They slip away from decoration, where they are supposed to be seen, to language. Claiming on unconscious, historical and visual space»
Contropelo is the second solo show by Ivana Spinelli at GALLLERIAPIU. The exhibition is part of Zig Zag Protofilosofia project, a research path on “The Language of the Goddess” which gathers the studies of the Lithuanian archaeologist and linguist Marija Gimbutas. Following the previous projects Global Pin-Up (2012) and Minimum (2015-ongoing), even Zig Zag Protofilosofia is the result of a period of study, analysis and in-depth investigation of the theme followed by a multiple feedback including performance, sculpture, object and artist’s book.
Contropelo consists of a space in which mobile sculptural objects and bags-containers aim to re-emerge a system of values and signs that never stop living in our subconscious, bringing into the present the echo of the Gilanic society widespread during Neolithic Age throughout ancient Europe, an egalitarian, matrilineal and peaceful civilization for more than 3.500 years. Before the social system and the philosophical thought on which we base our image of the world was established. A proto-philosophy. To comb the history against the growth. (Martino Doni) Ivana Spinelli appropriates through (re)writing and (re)design of an archaic and futuristic language, made of simple figures and iconic traits that she spreads in multiple conduits: from printing on fabric to wooden forms, from ink on paper to the APP for smartphones. The exhibition is curated by Claudio Musso, his theoretical contribution together with the insights by Elisa Del Prete and Cecilia Canziani will be spread through the online platform Droste Effect.